Telemarketing Campaigns l Press 1 Voice Broadcasting Campaigns l Pre Qualified Telemarketing

What is SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?

Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting is an advanced business-to-consumer message delivery system designed to enhance your marketing outreach. Our Voice Broadcasting service allows you to deliver your marketing sales messages or recorded sales pitches directly into the voicemail boxes of residential telephones, effectively soliciting potential customers without interrupting their daily routines.
Our Voice Broadcasting system offers several key advantages. Firstly, it ensures that your message reaches a wide audience quickly and efficiently. By automating the delivery process, you can send out thousands of voicemails in a fraction of the time it would take to make individual calls. This not only saves time and resources but also increases the reach of your marketing efforts.
The Voicemail Broadcast feature is particularly useful for delivering detailed messages that might be challenging to convey through other marketing channels. Whether you’re promoting a new product, announcing a special offer, or providing important updates, a well-crafted voicemail can communicate your message clearly and persuasively. Because the message is recorded, you have complete control over the content and can ensure that it is delivered consistently every time.
Moreover, Voice Broadcasting allows for personalization and targeting. You can tailor your messages to specific segments of your audience, addressing their unique needs and interests. This targeted approach can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
Our platform also includes comprehensive tracking and analytics tools. You can monitor the performance of your Voice Broadcasting campaigns in real-time, gaining insights into delivery rates, response rates, and overall effectiveness. These analytics enable you to make data-driven decisions, optimizing your campaigns for better results.
Additionally, Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting is compliant with all relevant regulations, ensuring that your marketing efforts adhere to legal standards. This compliance helps protect your business from potential legal issues and maintains the integrity of your brand.
Using Voice Broadcasting as part of your marketing strategy offers a non-intrusive yet highly effective way to reach potential customers. By depositing your message directly into voicemail boxes, you can ensure that it is heard at the recipient’s convenience, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.
In summary, Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting provides a powerful tool for business-to-consumer communication. Our Voicemail Broadcast service enables you to deliver personalized, targeted marketing messages directly to potential customers, backed by robust analytics and regulatory compliance. Trust Sprint Data Solutions to help you leverage Voice Broadcasting to boost your marketing efforts and drive business growth. Contact us today to learn more about how our Voice Broadcasting services can transform your marketing strategy.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast delivers recorded business messages directly to voicemail without ringing the phone. This innovative service functions as an automatic ringless Voicemail Broadcast system, providing an effective marketing and lead generation tool that ensures your message reaches your audience unobtrusively.
Our Voicemail Broadcast service is designed to maximize the impact of your marketing campaigns. By bypassing the traditional ringing process, we ensure that your message is deposited directly into the recipient’s voicemail. This approach respects the recipient’s time and privacy while guaranteeing that your message is delivered and heard at their convenience.
The ringless voicemail technology employed by Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting is highly efficient, enabling you to reach thousands of potential customers in a short amount of time. This scalability makes it ideal for large marketing campaigns, product launches, and other high-volume communication needs.
Our service is not just about delivering messages; it’s about delivering them effectively. We offer advanced targeting options, allowing you to segment your audience based on demographics, purchasing behavior, and other relevant factors. This ensures that your message is tailored to resonate with the specific needs and interests of each segment, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.
In addition to its marketing applications, our Voicemail Broadcast service is a powerful tool for lead generation. By delivering persuasive, informative messages directly to potential customers, you can generate high-quality leads that are more likely to convert. Whether you’re promoting a new product, announcing a special offer, or simply reaching out to build brand awareness, our service helps you connect with potential customers in a meaningful way.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting also provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools. You can track the performance of your voicemail campaigns in real-time, gaining insights into delivery rates, message engagement, and overall campaign effectiveness. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your strategies and optimize future campaigns for better results.
Moreover, our service is fully compliant with all relevant regulations, ensuring that your marketing efforts are legally sound. We prioritize the integrity of your campaigns and the protection of your brand reputation, providing you with peace of mind as you reach out to your audience.
In summary, Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast offers a cutting-edge solution for delivering business messages directly to voicemail without ringing the phone. This ringless, automatic system serves as a powerful marketing and lead generation tool, combining efficiency, targeting precision, and robust analytics. Trust Sprint Data Solutions to help you leverage this innovative service to enhance your marketing efforts and drive business growth. Contact us today to learn more about how our Voicemail Broadcast services can revolutionize your communication strategy.

Why use SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?

Don’t waste your time manually dialing potential customers. Statistics show that nearly 85% of sales calls or customer retention calls never reach a live person and end up in voicemail. Additionally, most sales or customer service staff can typically only make between 50 to 70 calls per day. This manual process is not only time-consuming but also highly inefficient.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast can transform your calling efforts by automating the process and delivering your message directly to voicemail. Our advanced system ensures that your messages reach a larger audience in a fraction of the time it would take your team to dial manually. With our service, you can send thousands of voicemails simultaneously, ensuring that your marketing, sales, or retention messages are heard by a much broader audience.
The benefits of using our Voicemail Broadcast service go beyond just efficiency. By automating the voicemail delivery process, your sales and customer service teams can focus on more productive activities, such as following up with warm leads, closing deals, and providing personalized customer support. This shift not only increases the overall productivity of your team but also enhances the quality of interactions they have with your customers.
Moreover, our Voicemail Broadcast system allows you to craft consistent, high-quality messages that are delivered exactly as intended, every time. This consistency ensures that all potential customers receive the same clear, compelling information about your products or services, which can improve brand perception and increase conversion rates.
Using our comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, you can also gain valuable insights into the performance of your voicemail campaigns. Track delivery rates, listen to engagement metrics, and analyze the effectiveness of your messages to continually refine and improve your approach. This data-driven strategy helps you maximize the return on your marketing investments.
Additionally, our service is fully compliant with all relevant regulations, ensuring that your campaigns are conducted legally and ethically. This compliance protects your business from potential legal issues and maintains your brand’s reputation.
In conclusion, Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast offers a powerful and efficient alternative to manual dialing. By automating voicemail delivery, you can reach a much larger audience, increase your team’s productivity, and improve the consistency and effectiveness of your messages. Trust our advanced, compliant, and data-driven system to enhance your marketing and customer retention efforts. Contact us today to learn how our Voicemail Broadcast service can revolutionize your communication strategy and drive significant business growth.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast frees you from the repetitive monotony of outbound cold calling and the need to repeatedly leave the same message or sales pitch in a client’s voicemail box. Instead of spending valuable time on outbound calls that often don’t reach a live person, you can maximize your efficiency by focusing on inbound customer calls.
With our Voicemail Broadcast service, you can deliver your pre-recorded messages directly to voicemail without the phone ringing, ensuring your message is heard at the recipient’s convenience. This not only saves time but also increases the likelihood that your message will be received and considered.
By automating this process, you can redirect your efforts toward more productive tasks, such as negotiating with interested customers who call you back. This shift allows you to use your time more wisely, concentrating on closing deals and providing personalized customer service, rather than getting bogged down with the repetitive task of cold calling.
Our system ensures consistency in your messaging, delivering clear and compelling information about your products or services every time. This consistent delivery helps maintain a professional image and improves your chances of converting leads into customers.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast also provides detailed analytics and reporting, allowing you to track the performance of your campaigns. Gain insights into delivery rates, engagement levels, and overall effectiveness to continually refine and enhance your marketing strategy.
In summary, our Voicemail Broadcast service liberates you from the tedium of outbound cold calling, enabling you to focus on high-value inbound customer interactions. Maximize your time, improve your efficiency, and increase your conversion rates with Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast. Contact us today to learn how our service can transform your customer communication strategy and drive your business growth.

Focus on what you do best. Eliminate mundane activities such as:

  • Dialing phone numbers,
  • Ringing the phone,
  • Waiting for an answer,
  • Negotiating with reception,
  • Be put on hold,
  • Wait for the right party to attend the phone, etc
  • Get thrown into voicemail
  • Verbally repeat another message into voice mail

All this consumes valuable time and extends your sales cycle. Instead of paying your sales staff to make countless outbound calls, redirect their efforts towards negotiating and closing sales on inbound calls. By spending less time on tedious outbound calls, you can significantly increase efficiency and effectiveness. Expedite your outbound campaigns with unprecedented speed and reach by leveraging Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast.

Our service enables you to deliver thousands of pre-recorded voicemails per day directly to potential customers’ voicemail boxes without their phones ringing. This ensures your message is heard without the frustration of unanswered calls or interruptions. This method not only saves time but also broadens your reach, allowing you to contact a vast number of prospects in a short period.
With Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast, your sales staff can focus on engaging with warm leads and closing deals. This strategic shift from outbound to inbound sales efforts enhances productivity and ensures that your team spends their time on high-value activities that drive revenue.
Additionally, our system ensures that your messages are delivered consistently and professionally every time. By automating the voicemail process, you maintain a high level of consistency in your communications, which can positively impact your brand image and increase the likelihood of conversion.
Our advanced analytics and reporting tools provide you with detailed insights into the performance of your voicemail campaigns. Track metrics such as delivery rates, engagement levels, and overall effectiveness to continuously optimize your strategy and achieve better results.
In summary, Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast reduces the time and effort spent on outbound calls, shortens your sales cycle, and enhances your team’s productivity by focusing on inbound sales opportunities. Make thousands of cold calls per day effortlessly and let your sales staff concentrate on closing deals and driving growth. Contact us today to learn how our Voicemail Broadcast service can revolutionize your sales strategy and significantly boost your business performance.

What is SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting used for?

SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast can be used for:

  • Follow-up to a direct mail campaign
  • Cold calling potential customers
  • Client retention and appreciation calls
  • Mass deliver a specific voice such as that of a CEO, or President
  • Mass disseminate timely or critical information on short notice.
  • Voicemail Marketing

Best of all, the client will never know you used SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast, because the message delivered is as clear as if you called and left the message yourself.

How SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting came to be

Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast was developed to capitalize on the growing voicemail infrastructure. Designed to avoid the nuisance of telemarketing calls interrupting people during inconvenient times, our Voicemail Broadcast service provides a seamless alternative that ensures your message is delivered without disturbing recipients.
This innovative service allows you to send pre-recorded voice messages directly to the voicemail boxes of your target audience without their phones ringing. This approach not only respects the recipient’s time and privacy but also guarantees that your message is heard when it is most convenient for them.
The Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast is ideal for businesses looking to enhance their marketing and communication strategies without resorting to intrusive methods. Whether you’re promoting new products, announcing special offers, or providing important updates, our service ensures your message reaches its intended audience effectively and discreetly.
By leveraging the voicemail infrastructure, we offer a reliable and efficient way to deliver thousands of messages per day. This capability significantly amplifies your outreach efforts and enables you to connect with a larger audience in a shorter time frame compared to traditional telemarketing methods.
Additionally, our service includes advanced features such as message personalization and segmentation, allowing you to tailor your messages to specific demographics or customer groups. This targeted approach increases the relevance and impact of your communications, leading to higher engagement and response rates.
Our system also provides comprehensive analytics and reporting, giving you valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns. Track delivery rates, listen to engagement metrics, and analyze overall effectiveness to continually refine and improve your marketing strategies.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast offers a respectful, efficient, and highly effective way to communicate with your audience. Avoid the pitfalls of traditional telemarketing and embrace a modern solution that enhances your outreach without causing disruptions. Contact us today to discover how our Voicemail Broadcast service can elevate your marketing efforts and drive your business forward.

Designed for mass communication, Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast offers an affordable and efficient means of reaching a wide audience. This innovative service, also known as voicemail marketing or voicemail drop, enables businesses to deliver pre-recorded messages directly to voicemail boxes without ringing the recipient’s phone.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast is perfect for large-scale marketing campaigns, allowing you to disseminate important information, promotional offers, or updates to thousands of potential customers quickly and cost-effectively. By bypassing the traditional ringing process, this method ensures that your message is received without causing any interruptions, enhancing the recipient’s experience.
This service is ideal for businesses looking to maximize their outreach while minimizing costs. Whether you are promoting a new product, announcing a sale, or simply trying to increase brand awareness, Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast provides a reliable and economical solution.
In addition to its affordability, our voicemail broadcast service offers advanced features like message personalization and audience segmentation. These features allow you to tailor your messages to specific customer groups, increasing the relevance and impact of your communications. The result is a more engaging and effective marketing campaign that resonates with your target audience.
Our comprehensive analytics and reporting tools enable you to monitor the performance of your campaigns in real-time. You can track delivery rates, measure engagement, and assess the overall success of your voicemail drops. This data-driven approach allows for continuous optimization and improvement of your marketing strategies.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast is a powerful tool for businesses seeking to enhance their communication efforts. By leveraging this cost-effective mass communication method, you can efficiently reach a broad audience with minimal expense and maximum impact. Contact us today to learn how our voicemail broadcast service can help you achieve your marketing goals.

Who can use SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?

Any company looking to maximize the efficiency of their outbound phone calls and deliver marketing messages to a residential consumer base can benefit from Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast. This service is especially useful for businesses currently using outbound call centers to reach residential customers, as it can significantly reduce operational costs.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast allows you to send pre-recorded marketing messages directly to voicemail boxes without ringing the phone. This method ensures that your message is delivered without causing any interruptions, making it a more pleasant experience for the recipient.
For companies aiming to enhance their outbound call efforts, our voicemail broadcast service provides a cost-effective alternative. By automating the delivery of your messages, you can reach a larger audience in a fraction of the time it would take traditional call center operations. This not only saves time but also reduces the workload on your call center staff, allowing them to focus on higher-value tasks such as handling inbound calls and closing sales.
Additionally, Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast offers advanced features such as message personalization and audience segmentation. These tools enable you to tailor your messages to specific demographics, ensuring that your communications are relevant and impactful. This targeted approach increases engagement rates and improves the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
Our service also includes robust analytics and reporting capabilities, giving you insights into the performance of your voicemail campaigns. You can track delivery rates, engagement levels, and other key metrics to continuously optimize your strategy and achieve better results.
In summary, any company looking to streamline their outbound marketing efforts and reduce costs can benefit from Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast. This service provides a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solution for delivering marketing messages to a residential audience. Contact us today to learn how our voicemail broadcast service can enhance your marketing strategy and help you achieve your business objectives.
Companies that need a consistent, precisely worded sales pitch delivered to a large audience will benefit greatly from Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast. This service ensures that your marketing message is uniformly presented every time, maintaining a high level of professionalism and accuracy across all communications.

Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast is designed for businesses that require mass delivery of their sales messages. By automating the process, we ensure that your carefully crafted pitch reaches thousands of potential customers quickly and efficiently. This method not only saves time but also guarantees that each recipient hears the exact same message, eliminating the variability that can occur with manual calls.
Our voicemail broadcast service is ideal for large-scale marketing campaigns, product launches, or any scenario where delivering a consistent message to a broad audience is critical. With Sprint Data Solutions, you can trust that your message will be delivered effectively and professionally, every time.
In addition to delivering a consistent message, our service offers advanced targeting capabilities. You can segment your audience based on various criteria, ensuring that your message reaches the most relevant and receptive recipients. This targeted approach maximizes the impact of your campaigns and improves your chances of converting leads into customers.
We also provide comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, allowing you to monitor the performance of your campaigns in real-time. Track delivery rates, engagement metrics, and other key performance indicators to refine your strategy and achieve better results.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast is the perfect solution for companies seeking to deliver a uniform, precise sales pitch to a large audience. Contact us today to learn how our service can enhance your marketing efforts and drive your business forward.

What is the success rate with SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?

Your success rate will largely depend on the quality of your message to the customer and the excellence of your product or service. Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting enhances and multiplies your existing success rate by delivering your message efficiently and effectively. Since 1997, our clients have experienced significant success with Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting and continue to rely on our service today.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting accelerates your marketing efforts by automating the delivery of your pre-recorded messages directly to voicemail boxes. This ensures that your carefully crafted message reaches a broad audience without the delays and inconsistencies associated with manual calls. Our service allows you to focus on what you do best—providing top-notch products or services—while we handle the distribution of your sales pitch.
Our clients have found that using Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting not only saves time but also increases their outreach and engagement rates. By delivering a consistent and precise message to thousands of potential customers quickly, businesses can see a substantial boost in their marketing efficiency and overall success.
The long-standing success of our clients with Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting is a testament to the reliability and effectiveness of our service. We offer advanced targeting capabilities, enabling you to segment your audience and tailor your messages to specific groups for maximum impact. This targeted approach ensures that your message resonates with the right people, enhancing your chances of converting leads into loyal customers.
In addition to our robust delivery system, we provide comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to track the performance of your campaigns. These insights allow you to measure engagement, monitor delivery rates, and refine your strategies for continuous improvement.
Since 1997, businesses have trusted Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting to amplify their marketing efforts and drive growth. Join the many satisfied clients who have leveraged our service to achieve remarkable success. Contact us today to learn how Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting can help you reach your marketing goals and enhance your business performance.

SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting vs. Auto-Dialer

It is illegal for an auto-dialer system to ring the phone and solicit your product or service to a new customer. The only legal method to solicit new clients with voicemail marketing, is with the use of SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast.

Why use Voice Mail as a medium?

  • People will always listen to their voice mail. You will have a guaranteed listener-ship to your message. SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast recipients will be forced to listen to your message.
  • Voice mail is not consuming fax paper or fax toner, and not intrusive.
  • Your own voice adds a human touch, is as persuasive as you want it to be, and very personal. Your clients will appreciate a personal call. A personal call carries more value than email or direct mail campaigns.
  • Your clients will never know, you used SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast to Clone your voice and multiply your phone calling efforts.
  • SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast costs less than your employee’s base pay.
  • SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast is a faster campaign due to no training required and costs much less than your traditional call center.
  • Email lists are very transient. Telephone numbers are more reliable and don’t change as often, therefore your campaign will be more successful with a phone list, instead of an email list.

How SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting works

Using the Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast system is as simple as leaving a voicemail message by phone. Each client receives a secure voicemail box on our central recording server to record their message. While clients are responsible for creating and recording their own scripts, our in-house professionals are available to assist with both script development and the recording process.
This user-friendly system ensures that your marketing message is delivered efficiently and effectively. You can easily record your message by following a straightforward process, making it convenient to update and modify your campaigns as needed. Our team of experts is on hand to provide guidance, ensuring that your script is compelling and your recording is of the highest quality.
By providing a secure and centralized recording environment, we guarantee the consistency and clarity of your message across all broadcasts. This approach allows you to maintain control over your communications while benefiting from our professional support and resources.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting Voicemail Broadcast simplifies the process of reaching a large audience with a uniform and precise message. Contact us today to learn how our system can streamline your marketing efforts and help you achieve your business goals.

The script can be recorded as many times as necessary to ensure satisfaction. Once the message has been recorded, it is ready to be delivered. The client will stipulate when the broadcast will start.

SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting benefits

  • Fuses the power of direct mail and telemarketing for a fraction of the cost
  • Quick turnaround time (less than 24 hours)
  • Guaranteed delivery
  • Reaches thousands of people in a matter of minutes
  • No production cost
  • Access and deliver your message from any touch-tone telephone
  • Can target specific geographic areas
  • Boasts guaranteed listener ship
  • Extremely non-intrusive as message goes directly to voicemail without ever ringing the telephone
  • One-to-one medium
  • Much more cost-effective than conventional telemarketing
  • Millions of phone numbers across North America (estimated growth of 30% per year)
  • Infinite market applications

SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting telephone number lists

We research and develop our own telephone number lists for your usage. If the list you need is not available, you can ask to have it researched at no cost to you, depending on resources. Our list research efforts can be for both business telephone number lists, and residential telephone number lists.


1. What is SPRINT DATA SOLUTIONS Voice Broadcasting?
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting is a ringless, automatic voice message delivery system designed for efficiency and effectiveness. Our service allows you to record your message, which we then deliver directly into the voicemail boxes of your target audience without their phones ringing. This ringless auto-dialer service ensures that your message reaches recipients unobtrusively, making it a seamless and non-intrusive way to communicate.
We handle the entire process, from receiving your pre-recorded message to delivering it to thousands of residential voicemail boxes. This method guarantees that your message is heard without the annoyance of interrupted phone calls, providing a more pleasant experience for your potential customers.
Our system is ideal for large-scale marketing campaigns, allowing you to reach a vast audience quickly and efficiently. By automating the delivery process, you can focus on creating compelling messages while we ensure they are delivered promptly and accurately.
Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting leverages advanced technology to maximize the reach and impact of your marketing efforts. Contact us today to learn how our ringless auto-dialer service can enhance your communication strategy and drive business growth.

2. How do you deliver a recorded message?
We access the local phone company’s computer system to deliver a recorded voice message directly into a resident’s voicemail box. This seamless integration ensures that your message is delivered promptly and efficiently, without the recipient’s phone ringing.
By utilizing this advanced technology, we provide a non-intrusive way to reach your target audience. Our system ensures that your pre-recorded messages are placed directly into voicemail boxes, allowing recipients to listen at their convenience. This method increases the likelihood that your message will be heard and considered, making it an effective tool for marketing and communication.
Contact us today to learn how Sprint Data Solutions Voice Broadcasting can enhance your outreach efforts and deliver your message directly to those who matter most.

3. How do I get started?

  • First, book your campaign
  • Pre-pay for the service
  • Then, record your message
  • This service is pre-paid, or OAC

4. How fast can my campaign start?
We require a 24-hour notice to ensure that your campaign is prepared and executed flawlessly. This advance notice allows us to set up your recorded message in our system, verify all details, and schedule the delivery at the optimal time. Our team will work closely with you during this period to ensure everything is in place for a successful broadcast.
Providing this notice ensures that we can deliver your messages promptly and efficiently, maximizing their impact and effectiveness. Contact us today to schedule your campaign and take advantage of our professional and reliable voice broadcasting services.

5.How many messages can you deliver?
We have the capacity to deliver thousands of messages per day, ensuring that your marketing efforts reach a broad audience quickly and efficiently. Our advanced system is designed for high-volume message delivery, allowing you to scale your campaigns and connect with numerous potential customers in a short amount of time.
This high delivery capability not only amplifies your outreach but also enhances the efficiency of your communication strategy. Whether you’re launching a new product, announcing a special offer, or simply staying in touch with your customer base, our system ensures that your message is heard by as many people as possible.
Contact us today to leverage our powerful message delivery system and maximize the impact of your marketing campaigns.

6. When do you make the calls?
Our services operate from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM, providing ample time to schedule and deliver your marketing messages effectively. This extended window ensures that your communications can be timed to reach your audience at optimal moments throughout the day.
By operating within these hours, we maximize the chances of your messages being received and heard when your audience is most likely to be attentive. Whether you need to reach customers in the morning, afternoon, or evening, our flexible scheduling can accommodate your needs.
Contact us today to take advantage of our comprehensive voice broadcasting services available from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM and ensure your messages are delivered at the best possible times.

7. How do I pay for the service?
This service requires pre-payment or is available on approved credit (OAC). By offering flexible payment options, we ensure that our clients can choose the method that best suits their financial needs and preferences.
Pre-payment guarantees that your campaign is funded and ready to go without delay, ensuring a smooth and efficient execution. For clients with established credit, our OAC option provides the flexibility to pay according to agreed terms, making it easier to manage budgets and cash flow.
Contact us today to learn more about our payment options and to get started with our effective and reliable voice broadcasting services.

8. Where do I get a contact list of phone numbers to call?
We will provide you with a comprehensive phone list tailored specifically for your campaign. Our targeted phone lists are curated to ensure that your messages reach the most relevant and potential customers, maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts.
These lists are compiled using advanced data analytics and segmentation techniques, ensuring that the contacts align with your target demographics and campaign goals. This precise targeting helps increase engagement and conversion rates, making your campaign more effective.
Contact us today to take advantage of our tailored phone lists and enhance the reach and effectiveness of your voice broadcasting campaigns.

9. Who records the message?
You have the option to record the message yourself, but we also offer the convenience of having our professional in-house staff handle the recording for you at no additional cost. Our team of experienced voice talent ensures that your message is delivered with clarity and professionalism, enhancing its effectiveness and appeal.
This complimentary service guarantees that your message sounds polished and consistent, helping to engage your audience more effectively. Whether you prefer to record your own message or take advantage of our professional recording service, we are here to support your needs and ensure your campaign’s success.
Contact us today to learn more about our recording options and how we can help you create a compelling and impactful voice message for your campaign.

10. What is the maximum length of the message?
The maximum length for each message is 30 seconds. This concise format ensures that your message is clear, direct, and impactful, capturing the recipient’s attention without taking up too much of their time.
Our team can help you craft a powerful message within this time frame, making sure that every second counts. We focus on delivering your key points effectively, ensuring that your marketing objectives are met while maintaining the interest and engagement of your audience.
Contact us today to optimize your voice message within the 30-second limit and create a compelling communication that resonates with your target audience.

11. What does the message sound like after its delivered?
The message quality is identical to your initial recording, ensuring that your communication is delivered with the same clarity and professionalism as it was originally recorded. This consistency preserves the integrity of your message and ensures that it resonates effectively with your audience.
We utilize advanced technology to maintain the highest audio quality throughout the entire process, from recording to delivery. This ensures that your message remains clear, engaging, and professional, regardless of the volume of messages sent.
Contact us today to learn more about our high-quality message delivery service and how we can help you maintain the integrity and effectiveness of your voice communications.

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  • Political campaigns,
  • Insurance
  • Radio station (ratings week, contests)
  • Health club, sports club, fitness membership
  • Lotteries,
  • Nonprofit (Red cross, Heart & stroke)
  • Water bottle, water purification
  • Long distance phone services
  • Dating service
  • Lawn Care
  • Skin clinic
  • Maid service
  • Baby sitting
  • Children’s funds (university), education fund
  • Newspaper subscription and retention
  • Auto tune up, care, winterizing.
  • Carpet cleaning, home services
  • Credit card signup
  • Real Estate agents
  • Time Share vacations
  • Auto sales, openings,
  • Auctions (art, auto, rugs)
  • Energy (Hydro, gas)
  • Duct cleaning,
  • Continuing education (the learning annex)
  • Special events (home show, Molson Indy, circus, etc)
  • Marketing Firms (client marketing campaigns)
  • Tax preparation
  • RRSP contributions (banks, etc,)
  • Call centers
  • Junk removal services
  • Direct marketing service companies
  • Trade show companies
  • Auto emergency (CAA)
  • Firewood delivery services
  • Mortgage services
  • Non-profit
  • Home alarm systems
  • Unions
  • Auto rental
  • Web marketing awareness
  • Branding
  • Event notices.
  • Financial planning

Ringless Voice Broadcasting

Bring in MILLIONS in Minutes!! All NEW business just waiting for your message! INSTANT RESULTS – NO MORE NON SENSE!! A NEW ERA in Responsible Marketing Messaging
Leave a voicemail message on a highly pre-qualified prospects cell phone without EVER ringing their phone. All these people were previously unreachable other than via direct mail at a dollar a letter or more. Imagine being able to finally contact people through their cell phones legally with no hassles at a fraction of the cost. Consumers cannot pass up a HOT NEW OFFER!! Have your sales team swamped with FRESH inbound calls with everyone being active buyer and is PRE-QUALIFIED!! This NEW technology combined with a Sprint Data targeted lists is a formula for BIG RESULTS. Sending your message to nonqualified prospects will not produce the desired results. Sending a message to Pre-Qualified Active Buyers is producing incredible results instantly.